Thursday, March 5, 2009

I Hate Sharing

I've been in a stinky mood since yesterday because my stupid "sister" Millie is visiting from our "grandparents"' house.

I hate when she comes to visit because I have to share all the things I never use when she's not around, like my beds and my toys. Plus my human gives her pets and attention that would otherwise all go to me! I hate Millie!

Millie's not even a boxer or a pug. She's a black lab/pitbull mix. She weighs in at 75 lbs., but I'm pretty proud to say that at 36 lbs. I can boss her around and she (usually) listens to me. Here we are at Halloween- notice how I'm the one who gets the couch.

Go home, Millie! I don't like sharing the humans with you!

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